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Writer's picturePippa Starr

Adult Vaper Angered By Government

by Pippa Starr

20 June 2024

Recently I have had the pleasure of meeting Kylie, an Australian vaper that is very angry. Why is this usually placid yet happy smiling Mother from Melbourne angry?


This is why in Kylie’s words:


"I’m angry, 1.7million Australian Vapers are angry but if I had never vaped and only heard what was reported in the mainstream media I would probably be against vaping just like many who will read this.


I started smoking when I was 15 when I was given 3 packs of Windfield Blues from my older cousin, a Christmas gift she intended to give her brother when tensions rose and gifts didn’t get exchanged.

“Just use some with friends at parties  for fun” she said.

Famous last words.I was hooked straight away!

I guess some people have addictive personalities and I’m one of them.


Fast forward 17years and I’m now 32 and a 2 pack a day smoker.

Unlike many smoking to vaping stories, I loved smoking even though it was clearly killing me, when you have a chest infection and strep throat yet you still try and manage a cigarette you know you have a big problem.

Smoking is apparently as hard to stop as heroin and that’s when you want to quit and I didn’t.


Now’s it’s 2012 and by chance someone stopped me while I was smoking and told me to try this magical thing called an electronic cigarette.

That night I did my online research, and my order was placed and a week later I had my little metal hot pink rechargeable cigarette! 


My flavour of choice was Jungle Juice 12mg and the instant I started I never smoked another cigarette.

I was free from that cigarette smell, taste, yellow fingers and more money in my pocket.

I no longer miss out on life by stepping away from things to smoke or feel embarrassed about the way I smell.


I have always suffered with depression and anxiety, and I didn’t know that my smoking also added to my feelings of alienation.


Now I’m 44 and it’s been 12 years of vaping, I’m healthier, I vape lower nicotine and less often but that was until the storm clouds rolled in again last year with our government’s threat of a ban on vaping and my mother suffered a stroke and I became a full-time caregiver.

My vaping has increased and I’m on medication again but at least I’m not smoking for now that is. 


Many vapers have already returned to smoking and this is my greatest fear.

I should have every right to choose as an adult the 95% less harmful option to get nicotine in a flavour and device that works for me, and that goes for every vaper in Australia as we all have similar stories but different needs.


One of the reasons why vaping is so successful for us is because we don’t all fit into the cookie cutter mould of a patch, spray or lozenge. 

We want to live, be healthier and be around longer for our family and children.


If what works for adults is a raspberry juice and a pink vape let them have it! 

I know for myself I don’t want a tobacco flavoured device that I’m not familiar with that’s almost impossible to get from a GP.

Why would people be bothered when you can get a cancer stick at any corner? 


So yes I’m angry, I’m angry that my mental health is struggling again and that our government is continuing down a prohibition pathway that is clearly failing.

I’m being turned into a criminal because I want to save my life! how on earth does that make sense? 


Kylie Cuthbertson"


Kylie makes some clear points here and her story clearly exhibits the importance of tobacco harm reduction.

On Monday 24 June 2024, it is expected that the Australian senate will vote on a bill that if passed, will annihilate legal Australian vaping and encourage the black market to extend their operations that already supply Australian youths and cause unrest in communities with their firebombing turfwars.

It will also put vaping products that are dearly needed for many adults out of their hands and into a prescription model that has already failed miserably.

Why would a smoker be bothered going through the hoops of trying to find a limited number of doctors to prescribe a vape from a limited number of chemists limited in 3 flavours that remind them of smoking again while paying around 4 times more than they previously did?   

Let’s just point out the obvious again, Australian’s can legally and illegally buy deadly cigarette products everywhere, yet the evidence is using nicotine vaping products doesn’t kill or cause cancer, despite the fake news.


Australia is at a crossroads in regards to this issue.

Once regarded as the clever country, will we ever be that again?


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