"Since quitting smoking for good I have been able to enjoy walking as oppossed to when I was a smoker."
As someone who was a packet a day smoker up until 8 years ago I can tell you the difference.
I no longer require 2 puffers multiple times per day.
Have allergies and use a puffer only during high pollen seasons now.
I used to get chest infections. Multiple times per year.
Now, like everyone else, I get a flu, cold or COVID but have had no need for specialist care.
No more chest infections that would need 2 repeats of a prescription to get rid of them.
I can walk long distances without feeling like I am dying and will never catch my breath.
I don’t cough for no reason at all.
I don’t smell.
I don’t leave disgusting butts everywhere.
I don’t have a cloud making device and produce very little vapour.
I am an adult who isn’t harming anyone else.
8 years I have been purchasing liquid and devices online with no issue.
I don’t understand why people who don’t even understand it have an opinion.