by Pippa Starr
"We are are confronting “extremely dangerous” scenes that are putting members lives at risk!"
According to a recent report by the United Firefighters Union obtained by the Herald Sun, firefighters responding to the Tobacco & Vape Wars fires are being left with a decision to enter an extremely dangerous environment, much more so than the average fire!
So far the following have expressed major fears of the Govt's failing prohibitonist stance on vapes & tobacco that has undoubtedly contributed to no less that 148 dangerous firebombing incidents since March '03:
- home owners
- car owners
- education/child care facilities
- businesses
- Police and other first responders
- Parents & much more!
Insurance companies are even raising small business owner premiums to unafforable/unviable levels or refusing to insure small businesses!
This failed policy of the Albo Govt will be effecting every Australian's insurance premiums!
The United Firefighters Union expresses fear for each and everyone near these arson attacks and marked them as "extremely dangerous potential death traps" due to the methods that are used to firebomb businesses, homes, cars and more so quickly over the last 20 months!
In what other context would this not be seen as a major news leading public emergency? Because this is an extremly dangerous epidemic that is totally avoidable!
The answer is not with more Govt fines and penalties that black market crims will never pay, rather the only inconvenient way out of this mess is by regualting vaping sensibly in licenced retail settings and reducing the taxes on tobacco products. There is no other choice left now! The black market needs to be priced out of existence, because until then, they aren't going anywhere which means more firebombings and hardships for all Australians!