I have a dream.
And in that dream, Australia and the world will become smoke free.
We will adopt the best harm reduction measures going forward.
We, as safer nicotine consumers, will be central to making this dream a reality.
We will tell our quit stories louder and prouder!
We will be heard!
We will do this by holding our heads high, while others are losing theirs!
We will educate others so they get it and understand it!
We will display the real undeniable evidence!
We will make this dream come true!
Not just for me, or for you! But so 1.3 Billion current smokers can experience what it feels like again to be smoke free. So they too can enjoy more time on earth with loved ones!
We put profits and agenda's aside, so that this dream can happen!
Who's with me?
Because when this happens, when we become smoke free, we are going to have a massive party like none other that this earth has ever seen!
Let's not dream for too long though. Let's do!
Let's do this!
Let's get this done now!